Today started out by my host family dog having puppies! This is funny mostly because their dog is quite possibly the most ugly dog I have ever seen. It is flesh colored, has hair going every possible direction, and some gnarly teeth. However, the puppies are super cute! There are 5 puppies that are all white with brown spots.
Then this afternoon I was going upstairs and my middle host sister gave my booty a nice smack. Now in America this would not be that weird for me, many people give encouraging booty smacks, but here my host family does not touch me very often especially in the buttock region. I think it surprised her that she did it too, because she said sorry right after. I just started laughing and told her it was no problem.
And the day doesn’t end there… my host family and I were eating dinner as usual and after we finished things got interesting! My host dad pulls out a large bottle of beer, and my host mom broke a chunk of ice into two cups. (Background info: I have not drank at my host family’s house and I have never seen my host parents drink) Well my host mom fills up the two glasses, hands one to me, and takes the other. She clinked them together, and we both drank. I took a sip of mine and then looked at my host mom, who finished her glass in one chug. All I could say was just an emphatic “wow!” and laugh. It continued like this until the bottle was gone. Then she stood up, started laughing and saying she was drunk. She was clearly not drunk, but seeing my host mom (who really does not speak much at all) joke around pretending to be drunk and smack my host dad on the stomach, was hilarious.
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