Friday, October 29, 2010

Just hanging out with the girls…

I thought I should introduce some of the people I spend my days with, starting with the women. My host big sister is 27, her name is hard for me to remember and to spell. Mostly it is hard to remember because I hardly hear her name. She has a 3 year-old daughter named Daraniza, and people call my host sister “mother of daraniza” (ma niza) or “big sister” (bong sa-rye), which is what I call her. One of the neighbors is a girl who is 21, who lives with her husband and their beautiful little baby girl. She does not speak any English, so it forces me to speak my broken Khmer to her, but she is funny and super stylish! Then there is another neighbor, who I call “aunt” (ming). She lives next door with a lot of people, including her husband and daughter named Bpo. Bpo is 6 years-old and a ball of energy.

From left to right… Bpo is sleeping (which is a rarity), my host aunt neighbor, then my host big sister in the hammock.

This is my younger neighbor and her daughter.

This is my host aunt neighbor.

And Niza wanted me to take a picture of her on her bike.


  1. Love the pictures! So, will I be called "Ma Tay" when I come to visit?
