Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Furniture

When I returned from Vietnam my host family and neighbors were very excited to have me home, not because I had been gone for so long, but because there had been a new addition to my house... Furniture! For the past 7 months I have lived in this house seating has been limited. My seating options were 1) wood plank that's outside 2) my blue plastic chair 3) hammock. Not bad options and all relatively comfortable, but now I have the Cadillac of seating options.

Furniture in Cambodia is made from wood and made for more looks and status than for comfort. And now my house is all kinda of status with two chairs, a love seat, and a coffee table. Granted you have to be a little careful with hardwood furniture in a small space (there have already been incidences of stubbed toes and bumped knees), but it is a fun place to sit, read, eat breakfast, and do occasional work.

My host family, neighbors, Bpo, and Niza, were all quick to tell me the cost of my new furniture (which will stay in the house when I leave, and belongs to my host family), $600. A big hit for any rural Khmer family.

In honor of the month of May (the hottest month I have ever experienced in Cambodia) there has been one other addition to my life in Cambodia... a new fan! Appropriately named Big Blue, he has been a loved new companion.

Unfortunately, Tany just switched to getting its power from Vietnam instead of Cambodia (it is cheaper) and our new power source has been a little unreliable. Usually the power turns off around 8am and does not come back on until 6pm. Thus leaving Big Blue out of commission for hot o'clock (hot o'clock in Cambodia is 11am til 4pm). Here's hoping this will not become a habit!

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