Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Cambodian Bathroom Adventures


The shower frog is back! He and I had a very close encounter, in his new home, the bathroom. After our afternoon session some other trainees and I went to a market restaurant for cokes, and I ended up getting my bike cleaned (it was very dirty from riding after a very heavy rain and was making a new and interesting noise today from the collection of mud), well the bike cleaning got me home a little later than usual. Our bathroom and shower room are outside and there is no light so it is an increased level of difficulty to shower or use the bathroom once it gets dark. Well so, I was opening the door go into the bathroom, and I turned my head to see the frog very close to my face. I naturally let out a very girlish scream, and my host sister came running. She laughed at me then got a stick to encourage the frog to vacate the bathroom.
While on the topic of bathrooms…. My family recently got guppies for our bathroom! Now you are probably wondering A) Why guppies would go in the bathroom and 2) Why am I excited about it. Well guppies are natural mosquito killers! They eat mosquito larvae, which reside on the surface of standing water, and greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes in the bathroom. Which means less booty bug bites while showering! I was very excited to see some little guys swimming in the cistern of water that I use to shower. Now the next challenge… Not to scoop one up in the bucket to shower with (which one girl trainee actually did!).

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... Remember how you used to tease me when I would describe to you my vegan breakfasts? You would say, "Did little woodland animals help you get dressed this morning too?" And now look where we are, you showering with little frogs and guppies! I feel a bit vindicated! Rock on little shower frog!
    And wouldn't frogs eat the mosquitoes also??
